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March 18, 2022

‘This is how I manage to get nine hours sleep every night’

Filed under: Fitness — Tags: — admin @ 1:03 am

I’m scared to tell people this, but I get nine hours sleep a night. Nearly every night.

I know new mum’s are out there throwing their phones against the wall after reading this. I know perimenopausal women are yelling at me because the one symptom I don’t get is night sweats. Insomniacs hate my guts.

But if it makes you all feel better, two years ago I only used to get about six hours.

I trained myself to get more.  

According to a Google Trends report in February 2022: “Sleep is now a more popular trend than all the other wellness categories combined above nutrition, mindfulness, physical fitness, and physical appearance.”

So, because today is World Sleep Day, I figured I’d share what I changed.

Go to bed earlier (duh)

It sounds simple but I was a night owl. When I lived in Sydney, I would go to bed at 11:30pm and look at my phone until midnight and then try to sleep. Now I live in Queensland I’ve adopted the slower pace and most nights I’m in bed by 9:30pm.  Now I’m not saying move to Queensland (but you should because it’s bloody beautiful here), instead it’s about creating a regular routine.

Shelly Horton
Shelly Horton with her dogs, Bella and Mr Barkley. (Shelly Horton)

Rachel Beard, General Manager of the A.H. Beard Sleep Wellness Centre applauds my consistency. 

“My personal top tip that works best for me is making sure that I prioritise my sleep and that seems simple, but it is a really tough thing. It means not saying ‘just one more ep’ of your Netflix show. It means going to bed at the same time every night and developing a routine.” 

“I know that’s not possible for everyone. Whether you’re a mum or dad with young kids or you are a shift worker, life gets in the way. The goal is to try and get as close to the same bedtime as possible,” she says.

I listen to audio books to go to sleep

Rachel has a strict no screens an hour before bed policy for good sleep, but I can’t stick to that. I’m in bed about ten minutes after turning the TV off.  However, after trial and error with meditation music and sleep sounds, I realised the best way to quiet my busy mind is with an audio book. But it can’t be factual or self-help or really need my attention. I need my brain to disappear into a good novel. I set the sleep timer for 15 minutes so it turns itself off and most nights I’m asleep before 10mins. I think the ear buds help block out other noise too.

READ MORE: Why the pursuit of eight hours of sleep causes us so much stress

Block out blinds help

The only thing I don’t like about Queensland is it doesn’t have daylight savings. The sun comes up very early. So, we bought cheap block out blinds from Bunnings and my dad put them up for us in the house we rent. It’s turned our bedroom from a Coles Café to a dark cave, which has helped me stay asleep.

We upgraded to a king size mattress

Darren and I had a queen size mattress that was over ten years old so when we upgraded, we chose king size and I don’t think we’ll ever go back. Of course, it costs more, and you have to have the room, but I think it’s worth it considering how much time you spend in bed. Even though we sleep with both dogs in the bed, which will horrify many people, with the king size bed, we all fit better. I’m not being shoved to the edge by a Chihuahua.

READ MORE: Why ‘hustle culture’ is toxic to our sleep

Work out what is right for you

Some people have a wind down routine. Just like a morning routine where you get up go to the toilet, have a shower, brush your teeth, but in reverse. Some like a herbal tea. Others use red-light lamps to counteract the blue lights from screens. Some wear socks or take magnesium supplements. 

“Sleep is very individual,” says Rachel. So it’s important to make sure you find what works best for you and your lifestyle.


Why ‘hustle culture’ is toxic to our sleep

Filed under: Fitness — Tags: — admin @ 12:03 am

In today’s society, there tends to be a whole lot of praise for the ‘hustle’, and not a lot of praise for rest, sleep and taking a breath.

Overworking yourself seems to be a prized quality for many people, whether it’s a culture you’ve seen in your workplace or one you’ve learnt to admire growing up.

Today, it’s a lot more common to hear “Oh, I worked three hours overtime every day last week for the grind,” than “I asked if I could leave three hours early because I was just too tired to be productive.”

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Overtired woman working late at night. Woman on computer at night. Woman working late at night. Tired woman.
These days, there’s a lot more praise for the hustle than there is for prioritising rest. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

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While the latter statement is obviously much kinder to yourself and your sleep, those two things aren’t really put on a pedestal when it comes to being a “good employee” and making career “gains”.

Instead, most tend to idolise working yourself to the bone, getting as little sleep as possible, overloading yourself with tasks and always being ready to take on more.

But as Jason Fried and David Heinemeier, the co-founders of Basecamp and authors of It Doesn’t Have To Be Crazy at Work note, forcing yourself to work on little sleep is really just setting you back.

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Tired woman. Hangover. Woman hungover. Woman in bed.
What’s the point of the hustle if you’re not going to be working effectively anyway? (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

“For everyone in that tiny minority that somehow finds what they’re looking for in the grind, there are so many more who end up broken, wasted and burnt out with nothing to show for it. And for what?” they write in their book.

When it comes down to it, the hustle lifestyle is not only destined to fail, and land you in a desperate state of exhaustion, it’s also one that only works for a certain kind of group.

To be specific here, that group is often middle class, often young and without kids, and often without any underlying health conditions.

The reality is, the average person doesn’t just need sleep, we thrive off it. As much as we thrive off a well-balanced, nutritious diet and a healthy amount of exercise each day, we also thrive off sleep. And a good amount of it.

School sparks outrage with controversial dress code
We should really be trying to enhance our sleep, rather than sacrifice it. (Getty)

There have, of course, been countless studies to prove why we should all actually be working to enhance our sleep, rather than sacrifice it.

For example, a 2011 Harvard Medical School study found that for the average worker, insomnia led to the loss of 11.3 days’ worth of productivity each year.

To put that into perspective, if an entire workplace of 100 people is struggling with insomnia, that adds to a clean 1,130 days of lost productivity.

I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t sound like any of those employees would be bagging a promotion anytime soon.

On top of that, there’s an unavoidable emotional toll that lack of sleep takes. By trying to ‘hustle’ through your tired, exhausted state, most will likely find themselves all hustled out.

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Sad woman holding smart phone complaining at home
“Sleep debt” or lack of sleep has been found to aggravate mental illness, including depression and anxiety. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

While we’re all probably familiar with feeling a little ‘moody’ when we’re tired, one 2018 review by the California Institute of Behavioral Neurosciences & Psychology found that lack of sleep, or “sleep debt” quite literally led to anger and aggression in children, teenagers and adults.

In some of the studies analysed, adults reported feeling “unable to shake their anger” and being short-tempered with co-workers. In others, their lack of sleep heightened other mental illnesses, including depression and anxiety.

It goes without saying that any of the above is not the kind of energy you want to be putting out into the world if you’re trying to impress at work.

As someone who’s struggled with insomnia, I can definitely say that a lack of sleep does not put me in the position to create my best work. Often, I can barely put my shirt on the right way round, let alone fashion up a new, exciting personal project, or be positively delightful at work.

Tired eyes. Insomnia. Blood shot eyes
‘Most of the time, feeling exhausted doesn’t seem like a good enough excuse to take a break.’ (Getty)

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Yet, most of the time, feeling exhausted doesn’t seem like a good enough excuse to take a break. Or if I admit it, take a nap.

The culture around us says “push through it!” and often mentioning that you’re “tired” is just a chance for others to chorus in “me too.”

So if we’re all so tired, why aren’t we doing anything about it? Would it be better to cancel dinner plans on Wednesday night, to get some much-needed shut-eye? Or ask work for a few 9 am starts, instead of killing yourself doing overnights every week?

Should we be more open about our insomnia? Or our home-life as it is? Maybe it actually is worth mentioning that your kids are sick and you haven’t slept all week because of it. Or that you’ve been feeling restless and stressed and need a day to recuperate so you can work at your best.

Maybe these excuses aren’t just excuses, but facts of life, and maybe our careers and workplaces would benefit if we opened up a little more and laid down some boundaries. Some “sleep boundaries”, perhaps?

In the end, we might all actually be a little happier and a whole lot more productive if we allowed ourselves to prioritise our sleep, rather than shoving it aside, forcing our eyes open and trying to hustle through.

12 common reasons you can’t sleep (and how to fix them)


March 17, 2022

The Best Men’s Running Shoes Under $100 in 2022

Filed under: Fitness — Tags: , , , , — admin @ 11:41 pm

In theory, running is a minimalist sport—all you need is a good pair of sneakers. If you haven’t noticed, though, a good pair of sneakers will often cost you upwards of $200. Great kicks are important: They protect your feet from the impact forces generated by striking the pavement mile after mile, and they also store energy to help your feet spring forward, creating a fast, lively feel underfoot. But if you’re running on a budget, you’re in luck: You can still score a pair of stellar running shoes for under $100.

Affordable running shoes might not have all the cutting-edge technology that helps elite runners pull off extraordinary feats, but that kind of tech isn’t always necessary for casual running or day-to-day training. Most running shoes on the market today are outfitted with soft, supportive foam, breathable knit uppers, and stylish designs. In other words, even running shoes under $100 still offer plenty of performance.

Below, we put together a list of running shoes from trusted brands like Nike, Asics, and New Balance that are affordable and dependable. Check out nine of the best budget buys (all for $100 or less) you can find right now.

The Best Running Shoes Under $100 in 2022

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Pandemic ruined your sleep? Here’s how to snooze well tonight

Filed under: Fitness — Tags: — admin @ 9:03 pm

From anxiety about getting COVID and navigating the blurred work/home divide to keeping home schooling kids motivated and grappling with job losses, it’s little wonder that 40 per cent of us say that the pandemic had a negative impact on our sleep.

On top of that, a recent Freedom survey of 1,000 Australians found a whopping 73 per cent are reporting less than ideal sleep, with most clocking only 6.6 hours’ shut-eye a night.

Dr Moira Junge, CEO of the Sleep Health Foundation, says a lot of our COVID-disrupted sleep had to do with our bodies receiving mixed “sleep cues” due to increased time at home and not always honouring our body clocks.

“Sometimes you wouldn’t go out all day and those normal light cues and social cues weren’t had,” she explains.

“There was also a lot of loneliness, distress and uncertainty and we know that those are the types of things that produce poor sleep.”

And once we’ve developed poor sleep habits, they can easily stick, so with World Sleep Day upon us, we asked Dr Junge to share how we can reclaim some quality shut-eye to undo any damage the pandemic has caused.

Move first thing

When you’ve had some sleepless nights, it’s tempting to doze until the last possible minute you have to get up.

But Dr Junge says that if you’re in a poor sleep rut, you need to start re-training your body clock, and the best way to do that is to exercise outside first thing.

“Even though it’s hard, you have to get out into the light – doing 20 minutes of exercise outdoors in the morning will help enormously,” she says.

“Bright light suppresses melatonin, our sleep hormone, and exercise gets your body temperature up which does an enormous amount of good for your body clock.”

Dim down

At the end of the day, dimming lights and switching off handheld screens at least 30 minutes before bed will help your body release melatonin to enable you to easily drift off.

“Be very aware of light-dark messages and understand the affect natural and artificial light has on our sleeping patterns,” Dr Junge says.

“When the brain recognises darkness, melatonin will come.”

Set yourself up for success

According to Dr Junge, we can’t underestimate the importance of creating the right conditions for sleep.

Use dark curtains or eye masks to block out light and earplugs to block out noise and invest in a comfortable mattress (a choice option is the luxurious Freedom Celestial Mattress), to ensure you’re accessing cloud-like conditions.

“We want to minimise external disruption, making sure our bedroom environment is quiet and dark,” Dr Junge says.

“We also need to have boundaries in place for kids and pets to stop them disturbing us in the night.”

Don’t fret in bed

Our brains take a lot more cues from our environment than we give them credit for, and Dr Junge says it’s crucial that we prevent an association developing between our bed and racing thoughts.

For that reason, she suggests that if you’ve been wide awake with churning thoughts for 20 minutes, get out of bed and move to the loungeroom to quietly read or watch TV until sleepiness sets in.

It sounds counterintuitive and a likely recipe for next-day tiredness, but it’s a great “long game” play for avoiding lasting sleep problems.

“The aim is to disrupt the association that your bed is somewhere you don’t sleep well,” Dr Junge explains.

Trust sleep to come

If you’re living in a high stress situation, it’s natural your sleep will suffer and that it’s okay to be somewhat accepting of that.

“If you are in a challenging time, you might have to shrug your shoulders a little and think, ‘I’m not going to fret about getting my seven hours tonight – I’m going to have faith that sleep will return if I don’t panic and stick to the core principles of getting good sleep,” says Dr Junge.

“The cruel irony is that if you put too much ‘sleep effort’ in, it backfires. You can’t push too hard for sleep or you can become anxious and alert and hyper aroused.”

So don’t be too hard on yourself! Setting up a good sleep environment should help take the pressure off.

Wake up beautifully rested on a Freedom mattress. Designed by Freedom and inspired by our surrounds, Freedom mattresses are hand-crafted in Australia, beautiful on the outside and functional within. Dream big. Sleep on. Freedom.


March 16, 2022

Best Irish Coffee Recipes That Reinvent the Classic

Filed under: Fitness — Tags: , , — admin @ 11:11 pm

The best Irish coffee recipes can be as simple as putting a splash of Irish whiskey into a flask of hot coffee and calling it a day. Or, it can be a labor of love in which you craft your own spiced syrup or concoct a homemade whipped cream. (Go on, show off.)

While it’s got a lot of room for creativity, an Irish coffee is traditionally stirred with sugar, then gets a collar of cold whipped cream. The type of coffee you use, how you brew it, and the sweeteners you add can all lead to new spins on this classic coffee cocktail that’s believed to have been invented in the 1950s for tired passengers stuck at an Irish airport restaurant.

Buzzy and boozy, these five Irish coffee recipes follow their own set of rules.

Best Irish Coffee Recipes to Reinvent the Classic

1. Spiced Irish Coffee (shown above)

Making your own simple syrup with winter spices is worth the extra step and brings out the complex flavors in the rum cask-finished small batch whiskey, says Rob Caldwell, global ambassador for Teeling Whiskey.


  • 2 parts Teeling Small Batch Irish Whiskey
  • 4 parts black coffee
  • 1/2 part spiced syrup (see directions below)
  • double cream
  • grated nutmeg or chocolate (optional)

For Spiced Syrup

  1. Mix two parts sugar with one part hot water and your favorite spices like cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg, anise.

For Cocktail

  1. Pre-heat glass with hot coffee, then add in whiskey and spiced syrup.
  2. Layer fresh cream using the back of a bar spoon and garnish with grated nutmeg or chocolate (optional).
Coffee cocktail in glass with cream on top
Courtesy Image

2. Belfast Coffee

“Earthy, luxurious and sweet, this is the perfect introduction to poitín, Ireland’s once illicit native spirit,” says Dave Mulligan of Bar 1661 in Dublin, Ireland. Poitín was first distilled by monks, then banned by the Brits in 1661, but never really went away. Mad March Hare is made with malted barley that’s been distilled three times in copper pot stills and then cut with Irish spring water. This recipe uses cold brew and a demerara syrup, which is similar to regular ol’ simple syrup but uses demerara sugar, which is a less refined sugar that will lend your cocktail some caramel characteristics.


  • 3 oz cold brew coffee
  • 2 oz Mad March Hare Irish Poitín
  • 1 oz demerara syrup
  • hand whipped heavy cream
  • nutmeg


  1. To make simple syrup at home, bring demerara sugar and water to a boil at a ratio of 1:1.
  2. Stir the ingredients in a mixing glass over ice.
  3. Strain into a chilled footed glass.
  4. Top with whipped cream and garnish with nutmeg.
Frozen drink with bottle of whiskey and banan
Courtesy Image

3. Proper Frozen Banana Irish Coffee

The secret to a good Irish coffee is a ratio in which the whiskey shines, but doesn’t punch, says Jesse Peterson of Simple Serve in San Diego, California. This blended coffee drink is creamy, smooth, and full of flavor and gives Irish coffee staying power beyond St. Patrick’s Day.


  • 1.5 oz Proper No. Twelve Irish Whiskey,
  • 0.5 oz heavy cream
  • 0.5 oz brown sugar syrup (1:1)
  • 3 oz cold brew coffee
  • 1/2 of a ripe banana
  • 2 cups of ice


  1. Combine ingredients in a blender. Add ice and blend until smooth.
  2. Pour into glass and garnish with instant coffee granules (optional).
Clear glass of coffee with cream on top
Courtesy Image

4. The Italian Coffee

A dessert cocktail best enjoyed by a fireplace, this Italian spin on Irish coffee has a delicate and rich hazelnut flavor, says Dianne Lowry, beverage director at Macchina in Brooklyn, New York.


  • 1.5 oz Arte Italian Malt Whisky
  • 6 oz Italian coffee
  • 0.25 oz Frangelico
  • whipped cream
  • crushed hazelnut wafers


  1. Fill coffee glass or mug with hot water, let sit for 30 seconds to warm, and then discard hot water.
  2. Measure whisky and Frangelico into your heated glass, then fill with coffee.
  3. Top with whipped cream and crushed wafers.
Cocktail in coupe glass next to bottle of whiskey
Courtesy Image

5. The Night Owl

Irish coffee, meet tres leches. The star of this cocktail from Reyes Mezcaleria in Orlando, Florida is the Illegal Mezcal Reposado that brings notes of clove, butterscotch, and vanilla.


  • 1 oz Illegal Mezcal Reposado
  • 1 oz Mr. Black Cold Brew Coffee Liqueur
  • 1 oz cold brew
  • 1 oz of evaporated milk, condensed milk, or heavy cream—or a blend of all three. (The restaurant uses its housemade Tres Leches mix).
  • Abuelita chocolate (for garnish)


  1. Combine ingredients in a shaker glass with ice and shake.
  2. Strain into a coupe glass and garnish with Abuelita chocolate dust.

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Why the pursuit of eight hours of sleep causes us so much stress

Filed under: Fitness — Tags: — admin @ 11:03 pm

We’re always being told to aim for about eight hours’ sleep for optimum health and energy, but if you don’t – or can’t – get it, you can be left stressing that you’re behind the eight-ball.

But a leading sleep expert wants us all to know the furphy we’ve been made to believe about a perfect eight-hour block of rest.

Dr David Cunnington, specialist sleep physician, says that the idea of eight hours of sleep was invented by humans and isn’t necessarily the way Mother Nature originally programmed us.

RELATED: The problem with the quest for perfect sleep

“This concept of eight hours’ sleep is a concept of industrialisation, it’s a social construct,” he tells 9Honey Coach.

In fact, Dr Cunnington says that a lot of our sleep ideas stem from the slogan coined in 1817 by labour rights activist Robert Owen: “Eight hours labour, eight hours’ recreation, eight hours’ rest.”

“Up until the early 19th century … human sleep had been three-four hours at the start of the night, an hour or two awake in the night, and then some dozing until the sun came up, and a nap in the day if the opportunity arose,” Dr Cunnington explains.

“That’s more biologically how we sleep, that flexibility of sleep and wake being a bit dispersed across the day.”

RELATED: Our ancestors slept in two shifts. Does that mean we should too?

But when industrialisation occurred, we began “shoehorning” sleep into a designated window. Dr Cunnington says that can work perfectly fine when life is going smoothly, but can pave the way for sleep anxiety if you have sleeping difficulties or a lot of life stress.

“[We have] rigid time domain constraints around sleep and wakefulness — sleep must only occur in this eight-hour window,” he says.

“[We think we must] get eight hours in the eight hours we allocate for it, and then wakefulness must occur for 16 hours continuously with no sleep interrupting that continuous wakefulness, and performance across that wakeful period must be uniform.

“That’s a societal construct … it’s just not biological. We have ebbs and flows in energy across the day, but that allocation of time, that eight-eight-eight doesn’t pay any respect to that.”

While our society is unlikely to change to allow us to sleep in chunks, Dr Cunnington says the knowledge that sleep wasn’t always forced into a particular block and did not always have so much pressure on it, is useful to know.

“Sleep has varying depth: it has ebbs and flows; it’s longer one night, shorter another night, restless another,” he explains.

“There’s ebbs and flows on different days. But your body is regulating it tightly [and] each week is [roughly] the same. How powerful is that?”

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READ NEXT: ‘Paleo sleep’ is not a thing: Hunter-gatherers don’t get more sleep than we do


Tost: Tsunoda in “good shape” after fitness drive – Autosport

Filed under: Fitness — admin @ 10:11 am

Tost’s frustration with rookie Tsunoda’s apparent lack of commitment to training and preparation in 2021 features heavily in an episode of the latest Drive to Survive series.

Part way through the season Tsunoda moved from Milton Keynes – where he was based to have easy access to the Red Bull simulator – to a new home close to AlphaTauri’s Faenza factory.

As well as spending more time with the engineers he stepped up his fitness programme once in Italy.

Tsunoda joked in Bahrain last week that in his first season he had spent too much time ordering Uber Eats, and not enough following the example of fitness fanatic Tost, who runs every morning.

However Tost insisted that Tsunoda wasn’t as unfit in 2021 as the Japanese youngster has implied.

“I think Yuki meant everything a little bit ironically!,” said Tost. “If a young driver comes to F1, he is totally surprised about the forces he’s faced with in F1. It’s braking, it’s fast corners, slow corners with right hand/left hand forces against the neck and so on and so on.

“But Yuki was fit last year, otherwise he couldn’t have finished here in Bahrain in the ninth position. Of course, he realised as all the other young drivers realise, that you have to do even more physical training.

“And therefore, it’s important to sit in the car, because the best training is sitting in the car.

“Once you sit in the car, once you have done a race, you feel where you have the pain, then you can talk to your trainer, to your physiotherapist, how to change the physical training to strengthen the muscles where you were suffering. And regarding Yuki, he came to Faenza, and his trainer was with him.

“And he had to train twice a day in the morning and in the afternoon, until it was very good. The physical fitness because of the training improves. Therefore, I think that Yuki this year is in very good shape. But once more, he was not so bad last year, it’s just as a newcomer in F1, and you can ask all the others as well, it’s something new.

“It’s F1, these cars, they are so fast. I don’t know any driver who is not suffering after the first races or after the first runs in an F1 car, because it’s very, very demanding. And Yuki trained a lot. And he’s in a good shape. And I’m looking forward to seeing him this season in the car.”

Franz Tost, Team Principal AlphaTauri

Franz Tost, Team Principal AlphaTauri

Photo by: Red Bull Content Pool

Asked if Tsunoda ever joined Tost for a run the Austrian joked that his driver would not be awake in time.

“My morning runs – Yuki does not stand up at five o’clock to run with me. He looks to me and maybe he thinks I have a bird in my head!

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“I don’t run with him. First of all running is not his discipline, because he has a little bit shorter legs. And it’s not important that he goes running with me at five o’clock in the morning.

“No, he has his coach. I talked a lot with his coach. Each Formula One driver also has to do a test also at Red Bull in the fitness centre, where they are find out where are the deficiencies, and these results are important, these are the basic for further developments on the physical side, because every athlete, every driver is different. They are not all the same.

“And therefore you have to make an individual special training programme, and I did not train with Yuki. I just said to Yuki and to the trainers find the correct way to improve the performance and the physical strength. And this is what they did.”




March 15, 2022

Best New Movies of 2022

Filed under: Fitness — Tags: , — admin @ 10:18 pm

It’s going to be a big year for movies. From action films to superhero flicks, dramatic thrillers and comedies, the best new movies of 2022 have something for everyone coming to theaters or streaming at home.

Stars like Dwayne Johnson, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Cruise, and Brad Pitt all have highly anticipated movies coming this year among plenty others you won’t want to miss.

Here are the best movies of 2022 we can’t wait to see.

1. The Batman

  • Director: Matt Reeves (War for the Planet of the Apes)
  • Cast: Robert Pattinson, Zoë Kravitz, Paul Dano, Jeffrey Wright, John Turturro, Peter Sarsgaard, Andy Serkis, and Colin Farrell
  • Release Date: March 4, 2022

What It’s About: Following Ben Affleck’s run as Batman, director Matt Reeves and Robert Pattinson are taking the character in a new direction, focusing on Bruce Wayne/Batman’s early days as the Caped Crusader. Taking place during Batman’s second year of fighting crime in Gotham, a serial killer named the Riddler (Dano) emerges, taking the hero on a trail that will lead him to uncover secrets about Gotham and his family that he never knew. Along the way, Batman will cross paths with burglar Selina Kyle (Kravitz), crime lord Carmine Falcone (John Turturro), rising gangster Oswald Cobblepot (Farrell), policeman James Gordon (Wright), and Gotham district attorney Gil Colson (Sarsgaard). Since this is the early days of Batman, we’ll see the rise of many iconic characters: Oswald’s Penguin isn’t the quite the powerful criminal he’s known as, Commissioner Gordon is just a lieutenant in the GCPD, and Selina isn’t truly Catwoman yet. We won’t give away any surprises, but there are also a few twists and turns in store for Pattinson’s Batman in this film. Reeves is also planning to expand his Bat-verse with a sequel and spin-offs, including an already-announced show centered on Farrell’s Penguin.

Fun Fact: While auditioning for the film, Pattinson took on the time-honored Batman tradition of doing a screen test with a previous actor’s suit. As he mentioned in an interview, he tested in Val Kilmer’s batsuit from Batman Forever, since it was the only one that fit him well enough.

2. Deep Water

  • Director: Adrian Lyne
  • Cast: Ben Affleck, Ana de Armas, Tracy Letts, Lil Rel Howery, Jacob Elordi
  • Release Date: March 18, 2022 (Hulu)

What It’s About: In this psychological thriller, a married couple (Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas) start to play mind games with each other that start to spiral out of control, leaving people in their circle dead under mysterious circumstances. The movie is an adaptation of the 1957 Patricia Highsmith novel of the same name and marks the return of director Adrian Lyne to filmmaking after a two-decade absence, with his last film being Unfaithful, which was another thriller involving a married couple.

3. Morbius

  • Director: Daniel Espinosa (Safe House)
  • Cast: Jared Leto, Matt Smith, Adria Arjona, Jared Harris, Tyrese Gibson, Michael Keaton
  • Release Date: April 1, 2022

What It’s About: Following in the footsteps of the Venom series with Tom Hardy and the upcoming Kraven the Hunter film, Sony is looking to expand its Spider-Man universe of films with Morbius. Oscar winner Jared Leto stars as Michael Morbius, a scientist who suffers from a rare blood disease and is in search of a cure. During his experiments, he turns himself into a vampire, gaining superhuman abilities like strength, speed, and the ability to heal. Considered one of Spider-Man’s best-known villains—including a run on the classic Spider-Man cartoon in the 90s—it’s likely Morbius could be more of an anti-hero like Venom or a straight-up hero in these movies.

Fun Fact: Michael Keaton is reprising his role from the MCU’s Spider-Man series as Adrian Toomes/Vulture, although it’s unclear how much of a connection the films will have with Marvel’s series for now. Either way, it continues quite a run for Keaton, who won a Screen Actors Guild award for his role on Dopesick, and will be reprising his role as the original big-screen Batman in the upcoming Flash and Batgirl movies for the DC universe.

4. Ambulance

  • Director: Michael Bay (Transformers series)
  • Cast: Jake Gyllenhaal, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Eiza Gonzalez, Garret Dillahunt
  • Release Date: April 8, 2022

What It’s About: This crime thriller might be a bit smaller scale for Michael Bay following his recent work in the Ryan Reynolds action film 6 Underground and the Transformers series, but don’t worry, there will be plenty of explosions. Jake Gyllenhaal stars as a war veteran who’s desperate for money for his wife’s surgery, turning to his adoptive brother (Yahya Abdul-Mateen II) for help. Together, the duo takes part in a massive bank robbery—only things go wrong and they shoot a police officer, then flee in an ambulance, taking an EMT and the officer along for the ride.

Fun Fact: The movie is a remake of a 2005 Danish film of the same name and has been in development since 2015, when Phillip Noyce (The Adjustment Bureau) was attached to direct. Gyllenhaal even got involved behind the camera: In a recent interview, Abdul-Mateen spoke about how his co-star shot some scenes of the movie himself: “There were times when he would take the camera from Mike. And then you look around and Jake is shooting the scene. I had never seen anything like that before. I’m curious about those things, but I would never ask the director if I could shoot a scene.”

5. The Northman

  • Director: Robert Eggers
  • Cast: Alexander Skarsgard, Anya Taylor-Joy, Nicole Kidman, Ethan Hawke, Willem Dafoe, Björk
  • Release Date: April 22, 2022

What It’s About: If you’re a fan of a show like Vikings, the historical drama The Northman will be up your alley. Inspired by the Scandinavian legend of Amleth, Alexander Skarsgard stars as a Viking warrior and prince who’s out for revenge after his uncle murders his father (Ethan Hawke) when he’s a young child. Following his critically acclaimed work in The Witch and The Lighthouse, Eggers brings his unique directorial style to tenth-century Iceland, staging massive battles of warriors and some incredible, gory action set pieces.

Fun Fact: Strongman Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson, who most memorably played “The Mountain” on Game of Thrones for five seasons, has a role in the film. It also was almost a family affair for Alexander Skarsgard: His brother Bill (It, Eternals) was originally cast in a role, but had to drop out due to scheduling issues.

6. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

  • Director: Sam Raimi (original Spider-Man trilogy)
  • Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch, Elizabeth Olsen, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Benedict Wong, Xochitl Gomez, Michael Stuhlbarg, and Rachel McAdams
  • Release Date: May 6, 2022

What It’s About: The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is ready to go full-multiverse. Following the shenanigans of Spider-Man: No Way Home that saw three different Spider-Men share the screen together, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is about to get another massive dose of the mystic arts. Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) returns for the long-awaited followup to the character’s 2016 solo film and must join together with a range of friends and foes from different universes to fight against a mysterious new villain. Elizabeth Olsen’s Scarlet Witch will be a major part of the story—possibly as both a hero and a villain—while different variants of Doctor Strange himself will also appear, including Sinister Strange, Defender Strange, and Supreme Strange. The film will see the MCU debut of America Chavez (Xochitl Gomez), a fan-favorite comic book character who has the power to travel between dimensions through star-shaped portals. The film will connect back with the Disney Plus series Loki and WandaVision, while also picking up on the threads leftover from Spider-Man: No Way Home. This may be the biggest MCU move since Avengers: Endgame.

Fun Fact: As he’s done in many of Sam Raimi’s films over the years, actor Bruce Campbell will be making a cameo in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, although he did not yet reveal who he’ll be playing. Campbell has been friends with Raimi since high school and starred in Raimi’s Evil Dead series. Since those early collaborations, Raimi has found a way to get Campbell a cameo in nearly all his films, including the original Spider-Man trilogy Raimi directed.

7. Top Gun: Maverick

  • Director: Joseph Kosinski (Tron: Legacy, Oblivion)
  • Cast: Tom Cruise, Jennifer Connelly, Jon Hamm, Val Kilmer, Jay Ellis, Miles Teller, Monica Barbaro
  • Release Date: May 27, 2022

What It’s About: It’s finally time to enter the danger zone again. Following multiple delays, Tom Cruise is ready to return as Pete “Maverick” Mitchell in the anticipated sequel to Top Gun. Picking up over 30 years after the original film, Mitchell is still flying as a test pilot and putting off a promotion that would keep him out of the skies, the place where he’s at his most natural. Soon enough, Maverick finds his biggest challenge yet when he takes on a new class of Top Gun graduates for a specialized mission with new planes that not even the best pilots have mastered. Among those cadets? Miles Teller’s Lt. Bradley Bradshaw—the son of Maverick’s late partner Nick “Goose” Bradshaw. Cruise isn’t the only one returning to the series, as Val Kilmer is also back to play “Iceman,” while composer Harold Faltermeyer will be updating his iconic score for the sequel. Kosinski has a great visual eye, shown by his work in the underrated Tron: Legacy, and now he’ll put his camera to the sky for Top Gun: Maverick.

Fun Fact: The film was originally set for a July 2019 release, but was pushed back to June 2020 at the time so Kosinski and Cruise could do even more work on the “complex flight sequences.” The extra time allowed Cruise to train in actual planes and Kosinski to find ways to mount cameras on the fighter jets used in the film. As you can see in the trailers, the extra time was well spent.

8. Jurassic World Dominion

  • Director: Colin Trevorrow (Jurassic World)
  • Cast: Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Laura Dern, Sam Neill, Jeff Goldblum, Justice Smith, Omar Sy, B.D. Wong
    Release Date: June 10, 2022

What It’s About: Picking up four years after Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, dinosaurs and humans are now trying to find a way to co-exist. The previous film saw the destruction of the island where Jurassic Park was located, and after saving many of the creatures from the island, Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard) and Owen (Chris Pratt) uncovered a nefarious plan to sell dinosaurs on the black market. While they were able to stop that from happening, it resulted in dinosaurs roaming across the planet from big cities to deserts to snowy terrains. With dinosaurs seemingly retaking Earth as their own, the big question is which species will be able to survive? The big news about Dominion is the eagerly anticipated return of Jurassic Park’s original trio: Laura Dern, Sam Neill, and Jeff Goldblum.

Fun Fact: The movie was in heavy production in March 2020 just as the COVID-19 pandemic shut most of the world down. Dominion ended up being the first big-budget movie in the world to start filming during the pandemic, with production resuming in July 2020 with strict Covid protocols. Many of those protocols were adopted by other studio productions to continue filming during 2020.

9. Lightyear

  • Director: Angus MacLane
  • Cast: Chris Evans, Keke Palmer, Dale Soules, Taika Waititi, Peter Sohn, Uzo Aduba, James Brolin, Mary McDonald-Lewis, Efren Ramirez, and Isiah Whitlock Jr.
  • Release Date: June 17, 2022

What It’s About: This could be a fun ride for everyone in the family. The movie will tell the (fictional) origin story of the “real” Buzz Lightyear, the character who was the inspiration for the Buzz Lightyear toy in the Toy Story films. Chris Evans stars as the titular space ranger, who travels across the galaxy and explores new worlds, creatures, and dangers before becoming the hero Andy Davis admires in the Toy Story series. The meta premise is a way for the franchise to keep going without actually making a direct sequel, and if this story is a success, we could see more missions of Buzz Lightyear in the future.

Fun Fact: The film expands off the story nugget from the original Toy Story film, in which the character, Andy, saw a movie that popularized the Buzz Lightyear character, making him the most popular new toy on the market.

10. Elvis

  • Director: Baz Luhrmann (The Great Gatsby)
  • Cast: Austin Butler, Tom Hanks, Helen Thomson, Richard Roxburgh, Kelvin Harrison Jr., Xavier Samuel, and Kodi Smit-McPhee
  • Release Date: June 24, 2022

What It’s About: For his first feature film in nearly a decade, director Baz Luhrmann is turning his attention to one of the most notable figures in American history: Elvis Presley. The biopic will follow Elvis’s life as he rises up the ranks to become one of the most famous musicians and movie stars in the world. Austin Butler (Once Upon a Time in Hollywood) stars as Elvis, while Tom Hanks is playing Colonel Tom Parker, Elvis’ manager, who discovered the singer and helped him become a worldwide sensation.

Fun Fact: Butler beat out some notable names for the role, including Ansel Elgort, Miles Teller, Aaron Taylor-Johnson and singer Harry Styles.

11. Thor: Love and Thunder

  • Director: Taika Waititi (Thor: Ragnarok)
  • Cast: Chris Hemsworth, Tessa Thompson, Natalie Portman, Christian Bale, Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Karen Gillan, Russell Crowe
  • Release Date: July 8, 2022

What It’s About: The God of Thunder is ready to return: Chris Hemsworth is back as Thor, appearing in an MCU project for the first time since 2019’s Avengers: Endgame. Plot details are being kept mostly under wraps, but what we do know is that Waititi is taking elements from writer Jason Aaron’s fan-favorite comic run on the Mighty Thor, which saw Jane Foster become Thor herself, gaining powers and Thor’s hammer in the process. Natalie Portman is returning to the franchise as Jane for the first time in nearly a decade since appearing in Thor: The Dark World, meaning she’ll likely fight alongside Thor as a hero herself. Christian Bale is playing the villain Gorr the God Butcher, marking his return to superhero movies after his iconic turn as Batman in Christopher Nolan’s trilogy of films. Other story threads that will get picked up after Endgame include Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) continuing to lead Asgaard as King, along with Thor’s rivalry with Star-Lord (Chris Pratt), leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy, whose heroes like Drax (Dave Bautista) and Nebula (Karen Gillan) will also appear in the film.

Fun Fact: After appearing as Asgardian actors telling the story of the previous Thor movie to comedic effect in Thor: Ragnarok, Matt Damon, Sam Neill, and Luke Hemsworth will cameo again as Loki, Odin, and Thor, while Melissa McCarthy will appear alongside them as Hela, and the villain will be played by Cate Blanchett.

Trailer not yet released.

12. Bullet Train

  • Director: David Leitch
  • Cast: Brad Pitt, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Brian Tyree Henry, Joey King, Hiroyuki Sanada, Michael Shannon, Zazie Beetz
  • Release Date: July 15, 2022

What It’s About: Brad Pitt stars as an aging assassin named Ladybug, who’s tasked with picking up a briefcase on a bullet train from Tokyo. What he doesn’t know is that the train is filled with a number of other assassins (including Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Brian Tyree Henry, Joey King, and Hiroyuki Sanada) who all want their hands on the package too. Leitch has plenty of experience working in the action genre, having directed films like John Wick, Atomic Blonde, Deadpool 2, and Dwayne Johnson’s Hobbs & Shaw, so expect some unique fight scenes on this bullet train.

Fun Fact: Lady Gaga was originally going to star in the movie as Ladybug’s handler but had to drop out because of scheduling issues with House of Gucci, with Sandra Bullock taking her place. Pitt also took some hits on this movie, as stunt coordinator Greg Rementer told Vulture the star did nearly all of his own stunts: “Brad did 95 percent of his physical stunts—the fighting. He’s like a natural-born athlete. He really got in there!”

13. Nope

  • Director: Jordan Peele
  • Cast: Keke Palmer, Daniel Kaluuya, Steven Yeun, Barbie Ferreira, Michael Wincott
  • Release Date: July 22, 2022

What It’s About: Following his mind-blowing work on Get Out and Us, Jordan Peele is back behind the camera for his third original movie. As usual, plot details are being kept under lock and key, but the premise is centered around a small town in rural California that deals with a mysterious event—maybe aliens or UFOs?—that starts to terrorize and kidnap people in the town. Get Out star Daniel Kaluuya and Keke Palmer star as the owners of Haywood Ranch, which is located in the town and trains horses for Hollywood productions. If this film is anything like Peele’s previous two other movies, there certainly will be some scares and twists along the way.

14. Black Adam

  • Director: Jaume Collet-Serra
  • Cast: Dwayne Johnson, Noah Centineo, Aldis Hodge, Sarah Shahi, Quintessa Swindell, and Pierce Brosnan.
  • Release Date: October 21, 2022

What It’s About: Dwayne Johnson will take on the mantle of the titular antihero Black Adam in the upcoming DC superhero film, bringing the fan-favorite character to the screen for the first time. While story details are being kept behind closed doors, it’ll likely tell the story of how the ancient God-like character made his way to the present day. In comics lore, Black Adam is imprisoned for thousands of years before finding his way out, and the story could pick up on some of those classic threads. We already know that the Justice Society of America will be involved, but will Black Adam be fighting alongside the team—or against them? Noah Centineo is set to play Atom Smasher, a member of the JSA who can grow to massive size, while Aldis Hodge will portray Hawkman, one of the leaders of the team. Black Adam is also a classic foe for Shazam (Zachary Levi), so this film could have some connections back to the Shazam series.

Fun Fact: Johnson has been looking to play Black Adam for over a decade, and the film has been in development for even longer than that. Johnson became attached to the film when it was going to be a Captain Marvel/Shazam-centered project in which he would play the titular hero, but he later showed interest in portraying Black Adam instead. Over the years the project morphed into two separate projects, with Zachary Levi playing Shazam in the 2019 film and Johnson fronting his own Black Adam movie.

15. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

  • Director: Ryan Coogler (Creed)
  • Cast: Danai Gurira, Lupita Nyong’o, Angela Bassett, Letitia Wright, Winston Duke, Martin Freeman, Dominique Thorne
  • Release Date: November 11, 2022

What It’s About: With the sad news about Chadwick Boseman passing in 2020, the filmmakers of the Black Panther sequel had to change course, while also finding a way to honor the incredible character Boseman portrayed in King T’Challa. Specific plot details have not been released, but the story might focus on who will take over the Black Panther mantle and step into the void that T’Challa left behind. That could mean more screen time for the warrior M’Baku (Winston Duke); T’Challa’s sister, Shuri (Letitia Wright); Dora Milaje/special forces leader Okoye (Danai Gurira); and Wakandan spy Nakia. This will be the first return to the world of Wakanda since the Avengers films and there will be a lot of story threads to pull, like what happened in the nation during the five-year blip? While Okoye survived and appears in Avengers: Endgame, we never get to see her in action in Wakanda and that could be a great way to catch things up to the present-day story.

Fun Fact: Something we do know is that parts of the movie will be set at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), which has some major connections in the MCU already, as Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) attended the school. Part of that may tie into Riri Williams (Dominique Thorne), who becomes the Iron Man-inspired Ironheart and has her own Disney Plus series on the horizon. Williams is set to make her debut in this film and it could put her on the path to get an Iron suit of her own.

Trailer not yet released.

16. The Gray Man

  • Director: Joe Russo and Anthony Russo
  • Cast: Ryan Gosling, Chris Evans, Ana de Armas, Jessica Henwick, Wagner Moura, Billy Bob Thornton, Regé-Jean Page
  • Release Date: 2022, Netflix (Specific release date not yet announced)

What It’s About: Based on the first book in the Gray Man series of spy novels by Mark Greaney, directors Joe and Anthony Russo make their return to the world of big-budget action films after their work on Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame. The story centers on Ryan Gosling’s Court Gentry, the titular “Gray Man,” a CIA mercenary who has a hidden identity no one in the world knows. When Court uncovers a conspiracy involving the agency itself, he goes on the run and has a target put on him by Lloyd Hansen, an off-the-rails former colleague of Court’s played by Chris Evans. Gentry is forced to go on the run around the world as groups of different assassins come after him. The excellent supporting cast includes Ana de Armas, who co-starred with Evans in Knives Out and Gosling in Blade Runner 2049.

Fun Fact: An adaptation of the novel has been in development for over a decade, with various actors in talks to star as the Gray Man, including Brad Pitt with James Gray (Ad Astra) as director. Later on, Charlize Theron was in talks to star with the character being gender-flipped as a woman. That version was going to be written, but not directed by the Russo Brothers, as they were busy working in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Clearly the brothers were excited about the film, as they now have delivered it as their next directing project.

Trailer not yet released.

17. Knives Out 2

  • Director: Rian Johnson (Star Wars: The Last Jedi)
  • Cast: Daniel Craig, Ed Norton, Janelle Monáe, Dave Bautista, Kathryn Hahn, Leslie Odom Jr., Kate Hudson, Jessica Henwick, Ethan Hawke
  • Release Date: 2022, Netflix (Specific release date not yet announced)

What It’s About: Following the box office success of Knives Out, director Rian Johnson is back to write and direct the sequel, a whole new murder mystery for Daniel Craig’s detective Benoit Blanc to solve. This time around, Blanc will be investigating a case that takes him to Greece and he’ll be the only character returning from the first film. As you can see from the list above, the cast for this movie is stacked with actors, including Dave Bautista, who will get the chance to once again show his comedic chops like he has in the Guardians of the Galaxy films.

Fun Fact: After the box office success of Knives Out making over $300 million worldwide, Netflix outbid Apple and Amazon to lock in a $469 million deal for two more sequels starring Craig. The James Bond series made Craig a very rich man, and he will earn another $100 million to star in the two Knives Out follow-ups.

Trailer not yet released.

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Gym chain Fitness First shuts down | The Standard – Hong Kong Standard

Filed under: Fitness — admin @ 9:52 am

Fitness First, with eight branches throughout the city, announced its closure on Tuesday, marking it the “first blood” of the fitness industry since the government ordered all gyms to close. 

An international brand based in the United Kingdom, Fitness First operates in Hong Kong under a franchise. The local operations boasted at least 100 workers, including about 60 coaches and over 10,000 members. 

In a letter sent to all staff on Monday, the company announced its permanent closure. All employment contracts had also been terminated immediately, a staffer said. 

Fitness First also apologized to the staff in the letter and thanked them for their services in the past. 

According to the staffer, all part-time staff have been paid back in early February, and the company will later issue an official employment termination letter. 

It was understood that the decision to shutter the gym chain came after an emergency meeting convened recently by the senior management. 

Gyms are among specified premises ordered to be closed since January 7, as Hong Kong entered the fifth wave of pandemic and Omicron cases surged following the birthday party of Witman Hung Wai-man, principal liaison officer for Hong Kong of the Shenzhen Qianhai Authority. 

According to other gym operators, the rumor that Fitness First is going down has recently spread. 

Gordon Nowitzki Yau, chairman of the investigation panel of Hong Kong Fitness Guide, said the gym business has been halted for more than two months now, and operators are not even sure if they can resume business by April 20, the expected “expiry date” of the stringent Covid curbs. 

Yau continued that the monthly rent could cost a fitness center hundreds of thousands of dollars or even over millions of dollars. 

He believed some 100 to 150 more gyms will close later if the industry cannot resume business by mid-April, when the curbs are supposed to be relaxed. 

Another struggling fitness center, Goji Studios, shut down back in December last year. It cited Hong Kong’s Covid development and social distancing measures as the main reason for the closure. 

It also added the company had been unable to raise the necessary funds, and no consensus has been reached after active discussions with several landlords. 

All remaining membership, personal trainer courses, and other services of members could make their transitions to another gym, Physical Fitness & Beauty. 


How healthy is your morning bowl of cereal for you

Filed under: Fitness — Tags: — admin @ 2:03 am

In the world of diet and nutrition, breakfast cereal has coped a beating over the past few years. Often assumed as high in added sugars, it seems many of us have replaced our trusty bowl of cereal with other protein-rich options to break the overnight fast. While there are some sugary, highly processed cereals on the market, especially those developed with children in mind, generally speaking cereal remains a nutrient-rich way to start the day. All you need is to follow a few simple steps to ensure you are choosing the best option for your dietary goals. 

What does breakfast cereal offer?

Breakfast cereal has much to offer nutritionally.

(Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Not only is a wholegrain cereal a source of good quality carbohydrates for energy, but a daily bowl of breakfast cereal offers a significant proportion of dietary fibre, a nutrient that is crucial for gut health and one that fewer than half of all Australians achieve their recommended daily intake of. An adult requires at least 30g of dietary fibre every day to support heart and digestive health, and to reduce the risk of developing a number of lifestyle diseases — including heart disease and some types of cancer — and a bowl of high fibre breakfast cereal can offer up to 8-10g of dietary fibre per serve.

READ MORE: How to take control of your salty and sweet cravings

Wholegrain breakfast cereal is also a significant source of B group Vitamins which are directly involved in digestion and energy production, as well as a range of other micronutrients including Vitamin B, zinc, magnesium and iron. 

READ MORE: 20 of Australia’s most-popular high-fibre cereals, ranked

Wholegrain is key

To reap the potential nutritional benefits breakfast cereal offers, the key is to choose wholegrain varieties. Wholegrain breakfast cereals include oats (100 per cent wholegrain) and other flakes, bites or granola mixes that offer a high proportion of wholegrains. The higher the wholegrain content, the higher the nutrient content of the cereal. Processed cereals range anywhere between 30-95 per cent wholegrain. Seeking out options that are at least 80-90 per cent wholegrain is a good starting point when choosing a nutritious cereal. 

Toast toppings

Toast toppings ranked by calories, from lowest to highest

Minimise added sugar

Ideally, the breakfast cereals we choose will contain minimal, if any added sugars. Oats for example, along with Vita Brits are two of the few breakfast cereals which do not contain any added sugar. There is also a growing range of sweet breakfast cereals that have minimal added sugars, offering just 3-5 per cent or less than 5g of sugars per serve, instead use fruit, a small amount of natural sweetener or flavours like vanilla to achieve a little sweetness minus adding sugar itself. 

READ MORE: High protein breakfast options that will keep you full for longer

Consider the pros vs. cons?

The sugar content of breakfast cereal is given a lot of attention and while that is one variable to be aware of, keep in mind that there are some breakfast cereals which offer nutritional value, and may not need to be completely discarded.

All Bran is great for digestive health. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

All Bran, for example, is one of the best foods we can eat for digestive health but it does contain added sugars. In this instance though, 7g of sugar is not so much overall and for a serve of more than 10g of good quality fibre any negatives outweigh the bad.

Consider how you are enjoying it

Consuming a large bowl of sugary cereal with extra honey, fruit and sweetened milk is not a nutritionally sound breakfast. It lacks dietary fibre and protein and has way too much sugar and refined carbohydrates for a satisfying breakfast.

On the other hand, enjoying a portion controlled serve of 1/3 -1/2 cup of good quality wholegrain and fibre-rich cereal with low-fat milk or high-protein yoghurt can be a balanced, nutrient-rich way to nourish your gut and break the overnight fast. Like many foods, it’s the company it keeps and the portions you enjoy that is also important to consider when ensuring your cereal choice is a fibre-rich addition to a healthy, balanced diet overall.

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Author Susie Burrell is a leading Australian dietitian and nutritionist, founder of Shape Me, co-host of The Nutrition Couch podcast and prominent media spokesperson, with regular appearances in both print and television media commenting on all areas of diet, weight loss and nutrition.

The best (and worst) cereals for your health


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