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August 15, 2021

The 505kg Deadlift Mark Remains Untouched

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In December 2015, Eddie Hall achieved the then world record deadlift at the World Deadlift Championships 2015, with a 463 kg (1,021 lb) deadlift. In 2016, The Beast, as Eddie is known, set a new world record in the deadlift with a lift of 500 kg (1,102.31 lb) at the World Deadlift Championships 2016 besting the world record he had previously set at 465 kg earlier that same day.


Read The 505kg Deadlift Mark Remains Untouched at its original source Breaking Muscle:


March 27, 2021

Effective Fitness Requires an Intuitive Mindset

The key to effective fitness and training is to know yourself. Introspection’s power will allow you to develop a deep sense of understanding for everything you will learn on your journey.

Danny Kavadlo, with his brother Al Kavadlo, is an authority in calisthenics and fitness.

As he puts it, “It’s important to understand that even with a definitive program, you should always be prepared to improvise. No one who ever met you can make an exact program. There will always be a need for intuition in training.”

In other words, it’s up to you to step up and find out what works.

The Enthusiast and the Casual Exerciser

The world of fitness is an automatic filtering machine that separates enthusiasts from casual exercisers. This separation doesn’t mean to discriminate, but it’s just how it is.

The enthusiast and the casual exerciser don’t think the same, they don’t live the same, and most importantly, they don’t have the same beliefs.

Here’s an example, a casual exerciser will always look to their environment for motivation, but in Al and Danny’s case:

They say, “F**K motivation. ANYONE can workout when they’re motivated! It’s working out when you’re NOT motivated that leads to success. It’s the same thing career-wise.”

The game rules are pretty simple; you have to show up and put in your time. Another level of discipline and strength that perfectionists are in pursuit of is called true strength. Danny and Al describe true strength beyond the physical.

This statement doesn’t intend to discredit the people whose goal is to look good or do the bare minimum to be healthy.

However, in 2021, the real meaning behind the words strength and health has evolved into a raw and philosophical form.

If you don’t already feel inspired by reading this, here’s why you should be. As Danny describes physical strength, “To me, true physical strength is the ability to navigate freely in this world. It’s both pound-for-pound strength and absolute strength. A combination of power, balance, and mobility.”

While many of us may not include either balance or mobility in our training, these aspects are most certainly part of the equation when it comes to long-term fitness.

Challenge Your Strength

To us, building strength isn’t just about lifting heavy weights, running ultra-marathons, or scoring the most points. It’s about self-development and the desire to push yourself beyond your limits to see how far you can go.

It’s about embracing the challenge ahead and taking it in as a lesson. Hence, no one program can change your life. You have to tweak it to fit your own needs and situation.

Regular exercise or training is essential. It regulates your blood flow, gets rid of toxins in your body, and helps you clear your head. But if you’re willing to go deeper and immerse yourself in the mindset, you will learn so much more about yourself and develop more than just physical strength.

According to Danny, “I would also include mental fortitude, emotional wellness, compassion, and willingness to help others, in addition to being physically unyielding.”

Unfortunately, the future of the fitness industry may be uncertain at this point. Many people see it as a luxury when, in fact, it should be an essential business.

Danny Kavadlo says, “While I’m saddened at the devastation to the industry, I’m more saddened by the devastation to overall health that these mandates bring: kids not in school, depression, domestic violence, suicide, alcoholism, and drug abuse. People need to work out now more than ever, and ironically, it’s being discouraged in the name of health.”

If you’re reading this, I hope your next moves include signing up for the gym, spending an extra hour each day learning about your health, or getting creative with your regular programs to test yourself. You may not need a gym to do this.

Al Kavadlo adds, “We don’t discourage it! In fact, Danny and I have been talking about the virtues of working out gym-free for years! So anyone who thinks they can’t work out without a gym is crazy! You don’t need much—or any—gear to get in shape!”

Danny and Al Kavadlo’s book, Get Strong, focuses on explosive calisthenics. It’s an amazing guide to help you develop strength, agility, and combat-ready reflexes, using only your body weight.

If you’re already pretty fit and have no problem doing pull-ups, Danny suggests, “At least ten strict pull-ups before embarking on the muscle-up, but every case is different.”

Training my body to do the muscle-up has completely changed my perception of body mechanics and training regime. It has been gratifying, and I hope that you will get the same value or even more than I have gained.

Most importantly, remember to breathe.

Al says, “It is recommended to exhale when exerting and inhale on the negative phase of an exercise.”

Breathing exercises not only help you activate your core but also assist with recovery.


December 14, 2020

Are You the One Sabotaging Your Gains?

A common misconception in strength training is that every set must be taken to muscular failure to yield a positive adaption.

When it comes to high-rep hypertrophy and endurance training, the body will ultimately discontinue work due to your intolerance to bear the high level of hydrogen accumulation or the accumulation of lactic acid.

This is a natural process, as the body is protecting itself from excessive muscle damage.

When it comes to low-rep, maximal-strength work (1-3 reps), the body discontinues work due to the inability to recruit muscle fibers for the job adequately.

In certain situations, carrying sets of exercises to repetition failure are advantageous, such as 1 rep max testing or short microcycles that aim to increase one’s maximal strength.

In most cases, however, training to failure is both unnecessary and detrimental to performance.2

Rarely, if ever, do I have my athletes or clients go to failure when training a heavy compound multi-joint movement.

Should You Train to Failure?

Unfortunately, the notion that training to failure is necessary for performance gains has surfaced over the last several decades.

Advocates of this style often cite that it is necessary to drive adaption and push the limits, paying homage to the old no pain no gain adage.

This couldn’t be further from the truth, and the most effective methods are often less complicated than one is led to believe.

The issue with training to absolute failure in maximal strength is that it causes neural fatigue and disruptions in resting hormonal concentrations.1

I see most 1 rep max tests from novices, intermediates, and even some advanced athletes. Their performance deviates far from anything I’d consider technical.

The range of motion often shortens dramatically, and they often end up looking like more of a survival attempt than a lift.

Athletes who push themselves to the point of failure, session after session, set themselves up for the inability to properly recover and repeat high performance over the next few days.

In a phase where one seeks to gain strength, they will become fatigued and weaker if they consistently push to failure weekly. Additionally, this can lead to injury and retraction from strength training altogether.

The label that lifting heavy makes them stiff, tired, and hurt when, in reality, they never followed a properly structured plan.

When seeking hypertrophy or muscular endurance, reaching absolute failure is less detrimental from an injury, hormonal, and neuromuscular standpoint; however, it is still unnecessary.

It can lead to overuse, excessive muscular damage, and other similar peripheral issues.

Train Smarter

If you resist the urge to bury yourself and always push for that last rep, you will find the results rather pleasant.

  • The most effective method of training is the incorporation of the idea of RIR, Reps In Reserve.
  • This means that when you are working at a percentage of your 1 rep max, say 85%; you should theoretically complete four reps with a fifth attempt failing.
  • Rather than pushing for four reps at 85% of your 1 rep max, the idea should aim for two or three technically sound reps.
  • This is a continuum that can be implemented with nearly any rep range.

In 2011, the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science for Sport and Exercise presented a study3 that displayed two subjects doing squats at ~80% of their 1 rep max.

  • Subject 1 quit squatting with the weight when his movement velocity decreased by 20% (leaving more RIR), and Subject 2 quit squatting when his movement velocity decreased by 40% (leaving less RIR).3
  • These two subjects followed the program for several weeks, and the results were astonishing.3 Despite Subject 2 completing more overall work and pushing himself closer to failure; he sustained a significantly lower gain in strength than did Subject 1, who quit each set earlier to failure.3

This means that strength training should always be performed with technical proficiency and that in most cases, pushing to failure is unnecessary or even detrimental.

Obviously, certain situations will be different in novice versus experienced trainees; however, the general takeaway is the same.

How to Structure Training:

Once you can accept that going too heavy too often is a recipe for disaster, you are likely left wondering what to do instead.

Training with extremely light weights and low intensities is certainly not the answer either, as you will make no progress and eventually regress.

Training hard while training smart is what I preach to my athletes and clients.

Maintaining a disciplined schedule with perfect technical execution and a strong emphasis on recovery will yield the best results.

Training Programs

One of my favorite ways to layout training is through a method developed by Dr. Mike Stone of East Tennessee State University.

To keep his volume and intensity checked with his programs, he implements a system of loading prescriptions on a very light, light, moderately light, moderate, moderately heavy, heavy, and very heavy termed basis.

These terms are certainly not arbitrary, and instead, have a direct correlation to a range of load percentages as follows:

Load Prescription Load Percentage
Very Light 65-70% 1RM
Light 70-75% 1RM
Moderately Light 75-80% 1RM
Moderate 80-85% 1Rm
Moderately Heavy 85-90% 1RM
Heavy 90-95% 1RM
Very Heavy 95-100% 1RM

Dr. Stone then uses these numbers to lay out his program weekly, with each day being labeled appropriately to correspond with what the overall intensity for each lift will be that day.

Click the chart below:

Are You the One Sabotaging Your Gains? - Fitness, 1 rep max, maximal muscular power, rest and recovery, endurance training, injuries, hypertrophy, absolute strength, range of motion, periodization, incline press, training programs, microcycle, Reps in Reserve

As you can see in this picture, each week is displayed directly under each exercise, as well as the number of sets and reps that correspond with it.

  • For example, taking the incline bench press, you can see that three sets of ten reps are prescribed at a moderately lightweight on week one.
  • In this case, the person would perform the lift with a load equivalent to 75-80% of their 10-rep max, resting two minutes between sets.

This method does cater to the RIR paradigm previously discussed and allows the individual to work with a 5% range for that given exercise on that given day, depending on how they are feeling.

Furthermore, the intensity shows a steady increase over the course of three weeks, peaking at a moderately heavy intensity and unloading on the fourth week at a light intensity.

This is only one way to organize your training, but it is certainly a fundamental pattern to programming using a periodization strategy.

Remember to train intelligently and understand that sometimes the adage less is more can still reign true.

Training is not meant to break you; it is a tool to increase your capacity to perform.

There is a time and place to empty the tank and display your absolute end degrees of strength; however, nobody ever wins a weight room training championship.

They let it all out on the court or field.

Think about what your current training looks like and how you can implement a better strategy. Be honest with yourself and question whether you may be going too hard and falling prey to the pain and gain trap.

Train hard, but train smart.


1. Ahtiainen, J. P., & Häkkinen, K., “Strength Athletes Are Capable to Produce Greater Muscle Activation and Neural Fatigue During High-Intensity Resistance Exercise Than Nonathletes.” The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2009, 23(4), 1129-1134.

2. Martorelli, S., Cadore, E. L., Izquierdo, M., Celes, R., Martorelli, A., Cleto, V., Alvarenga, J., & Bottaro, M., “Strength Training with Repetitions to Failure does not Provide Additional Strength and Muscle Hypertrophy Gains in Young Women.” European Journal of Translational Myology, 2017. 27(2).

3. Sanchez-Medina, L., & González-Badillo, J. J., “Velocity Loss as an Indicator of Neuromuscular Fatigue during Resistance Training.” Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2011. 43(9), 1725-1734.


December 7, 2020

Do This To Increase Your Bench Press

Have you ever said any of the following about your bench press?

“I almost had it, I just mis-grooved the lift.”

“I always get pinned at the bottom of my bench.”

“I can touch and go this weight, but when I pause my bench, I’m so much weaker.”

“My overhead press and other bench accessories all got stronger but my bench stayed the same.”

These are comments I frequently hear from people who are struggling to increase their bench press.

The good news is they’re easily fixed by identifying the underlying problem and implementing effective solutions to address them.

Typically when people fail, their bench presses a few inches off their chest because of one or more of these reasons.

  1. Weak pecs relatively to their shoulders and triceps.
  2. Inability to rapidly absorb and reverse the direction of the load.
  3. Poor technique.

When the bar is touching your chest, your pecs are stretched and in an advantageous position to generate force and reverse the load.

However, at that same bottom position, your shoulders and triceps are at a disadvantaged point of leverage.

Their primary contribution occurs closer to the mid-range and upward.

That’s generally the point where we see the elbows flair to transfer loading demand from the pecs to the shoulders and triceps in an attempt to complete the lift.

I am going to provide an overview explanation here but if you need to work on your own specific goals or have other issues just contact me at Stacked Strength.

Weak Pectorals

When a lifter mis-grooves a lift right off the chest, it’s often indicative of weak pecs.

Since the pecs aren’t capable of generating enough force to press the weight up, the elbows flare excessively to shift loading demands onto the triceps and shoulders.

However, as mentioned earlier, at the bottom of the rep, the triceps and shoulders are at a disadvantaged mechanical position to press the weight.

So weak pecs are typically the culprit when an athlete fails a rep a few inches off the chest.

However, this often goes hand in hand with an inability to effectively absorb the load and maximize the stretch-shortening cycle. As the athlete lowers the bar, if eccentric and isometric strength is insufficient, they will not absorb the load leading to a decrease in elastic energy.

This energy, if not lost, would be used to reverse the weight from the chest rapidly.

Poor Technique

Another major contributing factor to failing is poor technique.

But there are several articles and instructional videos on how to optimize bench press technique based on your leverages and experience.

So, the technique won’t be the primary focus of this article since the assumption is that the technique is not the limiting factor.

Here I’m going to teach you a simple strategy that tackles both of these major issues so you can start hitting some new PR’s.

Who Benefits?

But first, let’s talk about who this is for. As mentioned previously, if you fail at the chest, or if you often mis-groove lifts or struggle with paused reps, and assuming your technique is decent, you likely have weak pecs.

Also, you likely lack the specific eccentric and isometric strength to both absorb and reverse the weight.

If this sounds like you, then this strategy can help. The individuals who primarily have these issues are beginners and intermediate lifters.

Advanced athletes are a bit more complex, which can make the solutions equally complex. But I digress.

The Solution

Below is a video demonstration of an effective exercise to correct the aforementioned issues.

The strategy I discuss can be implemented with various pressing exercises with great success and isn’t limited to the demonstration below.

An additional benefit to using tempo while simultaneously removing your mechanical advantages is that it places greater demand on the targeted muscles and connective tissue without generating the same fatigue.

This is because, although the exercise feels challenging, the absolute load is lighter than if you were to do a full powerlifting setup and select a load of the same relative intensity.

For example, with a proper powerlifting setup, you might do a set of 8 at 100 lbs, but if you do a set of 8 at 70 lbs utilizing tempo, it may not feel easier.

Same relative intensity, but less absolute load.

This reduction in absolute load reduces the amount of stress being placed on your body. This allows you to have more productive training sessions within a microcycle without exceeding your ability to recover.


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