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April 5, 2021

10 Do Anywhere Exercises for Strong Arm Muscles

10 Do Anywhere Exercises for Strong Arm Muscles - Fitness, push ups, hypertrophy, dumbbells, shoulders, biceps, triceps, curls, arm strength, at-home exercise, at-home workouts, no equipment, stay fit at home

When the weather is great, you want to show some skin. You didn’t hit the gym as often as you wanted to and your arms are looking a little flat. You might want to dedicate some time to do exercises that specifically target your arms to make them sleek, sexy, and sculpted so you are ready to hit the nightclubs, go on vacation with your besties, or look great in photos during an upcoming event.

To help sculpt your arms and make them photo-ready, here are 10 exercises to pump up your arms using items that you can find almost anywhere (no gym or exercise equipment required).

Repeat each exercise for 5 sets of 30 seconds each (in other words, do as many repetitions as you can for 30 seconds) 5 times, and take 20 seconds to rest between sets.

Push Ups

There is a reason push-ups are the first exercise that most of us learn. Push-ups will help strengthen the front part of your shoulder and your chest, as well as your tricep, which accounts for the back part of your arm.

This is truly the king of bodyweight arm exercises due to the fact that on the concentric (lowering) component of the exercise you work your pull muscles, and on the eccentric (pushing) component, you work all three heads of your tricep evenly.

Instead of doing a traditional push-up, here is a variation you can do to kick up the intensity. With your hands placed slightly outside the width of your shoulders, lower your body and squeeze your elbows in as much as you can so you activate your lats and chest. Lower your chest to the ground, and then push yourself up.


With just a pair of dumbbells in hand, curls will pump up your biceps. However, if you do not always have dumbbells, you can use anything that you have available to you that will have some weight to it and that you can easily hold on to and maneuver, such as a jug of water. Your biceps are the front facing part of your arm.

Curls emphasize every component of the bicep and work all parts of your biceps evenly.

When you perform this correctly, you work both the long head and the short head of your biceps, the deep part of your bicep responsible for the shape of your arm closer to the elbow, as well as your forearms.

Start with your hands facing each other at thigh level. Then, elevate your hands up to your shoulders, rotating them inwards and aiming to bring your pinky finger to point outward toward the outside of your arm.

Equipment needed: Pair of dumbbells, a jug of water, or other household items.

Diamond Push Ups

Diamond push-ups are going to work your triceps further. By bringing your hands in, you will emphasize the clavicular head of your pectoralis. It will also emphasize the lateral head of your triceps, the outer head. This variation will allow you to feel more in your triceps.

Use the same movements as the basic push up. However, with this push-up variation, you bring your hands in to form a diamond on the floor. From there, lower yourself down to the ground until your chest is touching the floor. Then, raise yourself back up.

Hammer Curls

Just as the name suggests, with hammer curls you will hammer out the long head of your biceps.

This variation of the curl will emphasize the long head of your biceps, which will help add fullness to your arms.

Using a pair of dumbbells or a pair of weighted household items, keep your palms facing each other at thigh height and bring the weights to your shoulders.

Focus on squeezing your bicep muscles during the curl movement. Each repetition should be quick and take no less than two seconds each.

Equipment needed: Pair of dumbbells, a jug of water, or other household items.

High Low Plank Tricep Extension

The high low plant tricep extension is going to engage your core. This emphasizes the long head of your triceps, which will add width and size to your arms. Your core strength is a factor in your capacity to do the exercise smoothly.

Starting in a high plank or push up position, lower your body into a low plank. Throughout the entire motion, your body will not rock left to right.

You will know that you are doing this correctly by both elbows and forearms meeting the ground simultaneously. Your elbows will be pointed out at roughly a 45-degree angle.

Then, push your hands down into the floor and extend and raise both arms up together, raising back into a push-up position. Make sure to squeeze your triceps together during all of your movements.

Flat Curls

Yes, you read that right, another type of curl—we are going to curl and curl and curl some more. We are going to make sure we make those arms scream!

These curls are going to emphasize the short head of your biceps, which gives your arm the peak. These are most likely going to be the most difficult arm exercise for you to perform.

This time, keep your palms facing outward and perform a curl movement. Focus on keeping your upper arms glued to your side, and bring your palms up to your shoulders. Squeeze your arms tight toward your body, and don’t let the weight go.

Equipment needed: Pair of dumbbells, a jug of water, or other household items.


Dips are another total arm movement that involves a pressing to engages your triceps, deltoid, and pectoralis.

Dips can be done with your feet and hands on several different surfaces to increase or decrease difficulty and core activation, as needed.

An L-sit dip is a great dip to activate your core. To perform an L-sit dip, use two chairs (larger chairs provide more stability, so the larger the better). With one hand on each chair, pick yourself up and kick your legs out.

You are looking to achieve a perfect 90-degree angle with your body. Sink down until your hands are roughly placed in your armpits. Then, press up until your arms are straight once again, all while maintaining the L-sit position to optimize core engagement.

Equipment needed: 2 large chairs.

Concentration Curl

Yes, another curl! This is variation is going to remove any movement from the back of your arm, by bracing it against your leg. Just as the name suggests, you are going to make sure that you focus all of your energy on the bicep (and don’t let yourself cheat).

You will work the biceps evenly when you keep your hands upward facing the ceiling. This curl variation is going to make your arms burn if they aren’t already.

To do a concentration curl, press your triceps against your inner thighs to stop your arm from moving. Then, bring your weight up to your shoulders. Again, focus on squeezing the tricep muscles. Do not rush through your repetitions.

The time that you spend under tension is one of the single most underrated variables when it comes to exercise. By increasing the time under tension, you increase the amount of work that your body has to do.

Equipment needed: Pair of dumbbells, a jug of water, or other household items.

Lateral Push Up

Lateral push-ups are going to make your shoulders do a ton of work. You are removing one of your arms from the motion that you are performing, forcing a deeper more intense burn in your triceps.

For this push-up variation, push your hands out as far as you can reach on both sides of your body. Then, bend one elbow to push your body over toward your elbow, while still keeping the other arm straight. Then go to the other side, contracting your triceps with every repetition.

Zottman Curls

Yes, for our final arm-specific exercise, we are going to do another variation of a curl! The Zottman curl this is going to greatly increase your time under tension.

You are forcing the brachialis to do extra work with the rotation at the top and bottom of the exercise. You will squeeze through the motion, which will force even more of a pump into your arms. These will take any extra energy that you had left in your arms and completely drain it.

Do a traditional curl on the way up and rotate your arms with your pinky finger facing out. Then at the top of the movement, flip the dumbbells over so your pinky is facing in. Then, return the dumbbells down to your thighs. Flip back over and repeat.

Equipment needed: Pair of dumbbells, a jug of water, or other household items.

See more fun workouts and simple exercises to do at home.


December 2, 2020

Get More Power from Rowing

I’m a rower – on water and in the gym. I regularly watch rowers and trainers work out on their rowing machines with growing frustration. Why am I frustrated?

Because they could be getting much better scores if only they knew one key technique.

Get More Power from Rowing - Fitness, crossfit, rest and recovery, rowing, indoor rowing, power, core strength, power output, hamstrings, hip hinge, back strength, glutes, arm strength, competitive rowing, rowing ergometer, rowing technique, ratio and rhythm

Master the Rowing Machine

Go into the average gym, CrossFit, or a rowing club, and you will see a lot of great athletes using the rowing machines.

What difference does it make?

They are an order of magnitude different. Somehow those on-water rowers seem to coax more and more out of a rowing machine and leave most gym rowers for dead.

Two reasons why this happens:

  1. On-water rowers who use the rowing machines understand the concept of ratio and rhythm. This allows them to get more rest each stroke, thus allowing them to be more powerful because they’re getting less tired.
  2. On-water rowers know how to recruit extra muscles into their effort. The more muscles that are brought into the power phase, the more the flywheel accelerates, and the better the numbers.

The Basic Rowing Stroke

Rowing is comprised of two main parts:

  1. The Power Phase– In which you push against the footboard and accelerate the handle and chain towards you.
  2. The Recovery Phase– You rest and return to a bent-leg compressed posture with the chain retracted inside the machine.

An effective power phase uses legs, back, and arms to accelerate the handle and chain. So far, so good., but that isn’t what I’m seeing being done in the gym.

Most gym rowers fail to use their back muscles to accelerate the handle and chain.

This is a critical difference compared to the on-water rowers. This is what I teach my clients.

Add Back Power to your Rowing

First, learn which muscles to activate. Finding them and feeling these muscles, and knowing how to make them activate is probably the hardest part of this technique improvement.

Then, I would like to show you how to recruit them into your rowing stroke cycle and give you a drill to practice, which will enable you to add your back muscles into your rowing stroke.

Body Swing Only Rowing

On-water rowers learn technique and effective power using drills and exercises. And so I’m going to show you a drill called Body Swing Only Rowing.

  • Let’s start by sitting on the rowing machine.
  • Pick up the handle and sit with your legs straight, arms straight, and your body leaning forward.
  • The key is that your shoulders are forward of your hips (use a mirror to check), and your neck and shoulders are relaxed.

On-water rowers call this position the catch position. It’s achieved by hinging through your hips with a straight back. If you have tight glutes and hamstrings, you may find this challenging.

If you cannot achieve this position, don’t do the exercise. You won’t gain anything until you can stretch forward in this posture.

Stage One

  • Swing yourself backward until your shoulders are behind your hips.
  • Leave your legs and arms straight. Then swing forwards again, and back moving the flywheel with the handle and chain as you swing.
  • Try not to lean back further than 5-10 degrees.
  • Now make the flywheel spin faster by gripping your abdominals just before you start the backswing.

A strong mid-section helps you connect your backswing to the handle and chain without any slippage.

Stage Two

  • Add the arms to the backswing.
  • Start swinging the back alone as in stage one, and then add an arm draw to keep the handle and chain accelerating as the handle comes close to your body.
  • Then straighten your arms and swing forward from the hips.
  • This sequence is important—arms before body swing.
  • Keep working the swing-and-draw with a strong core to remove chain slippage so that when you start to move, the chain immediately accelerates the flywheel. Notice that you can do a tiny bit of backswing before you start the arm draw.
  • This is important for activating the back muscles. You have to get larger muscle groups (legs and back) working before smaller muscles (arms) in rowing.

This is a critical skill for developing stroke power.

Stage Three

  • Half the leg drive.
  • Add a half leg drive. Rowers call this half-slide, and it’s when your legs are 50% towards being straight.
  • Normally this is when your elbows are over your knees.

Stage one is the back. Add stage two, which is the arms, and then add stage three, the legs.

You are now moving the handle and chain faster because more body parts are accelerating the flywheel.

The critical component is the transition from one body part to the next.

Keeping this smooth and keeping the chain taut, and continuing to accelerate will give you the best results.

Stay focused on legs-back-arms and the reverse sequence when you return to start another stroke.

Learning this will reinforce the big muscles before the small muscles rule.

String It Together

Do the drill with 10 strokes at each stage. Then move to full slide and use a full leg drive; try to make the second half of your power phase feel like when you did the drill.

Use the mirror to check your posture. The first half of your power should be using only your leg drive. Check your torso is leaning forwards with shoulders forward from the hips. This is an unnatural posture and has to be learned – but it reinforces the big before small muscle rule, and that’s why it’s effective.

The last thing you can practice is rowing and try to finish your legs, back and arms simultaneously. This is an exaggeration from normal rowing technique – but it’s a good way to get a seriously powerful end of the rowing stroke.

And a good way to continue practicing or use it to do a 10 stroke power push during a workout when you want more power and that split to go down.

Next is learning that second thing… ratio and rhythm. But we’ll leave that for another day.


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